25-Year-Old Wife’s ‘Girls Trip’ Leads to Husband’s Surprising Nightly Routine—And It’s Not What You Think!

One day, some friends of hers invite her on a “Girls Holiday”, away from the husbands, a chance to let loose for a week and have a bit of freedom, but she is worried about her husband’s care.
She speaks to her husband about him going into a care home for the week, so that she knows he will be looked after and help will be on hand while she is away.
He really doesn’t like the idea of a care home and would rather she didn’t go, but she needs a break, needs some time to herself, so he compromises by having a care nurse come every evening while she is away to make sure he has what he needs and is ok.
She agrees to the compromise. She makes sure all meals are prepared and in the fridge/ freezer, stocks up on other things he needs, and arranges for a nurse called Sonia to come in the evenings to help him.
The first night Sonia comes, makes sure he is ok, and gives him a large glass of whisky and a Viagra tablet before bed. It isn’t what he expected , but he acquieces, drinks the whisky and takes the tablet before going to sleep.
Every night while the wife is away, Sonia gives him a large glass of whisky and a Viagra tablet.
When the wife comes back, she thanks her husband for allowing her the time for the holiday and says she can resume his care. However, he doesn’t want Sonia to stop visiting.
She asks why, he tells her that, every evening, he gets a large glass of whisky and a viagra tablet, and doesn’t want it to stop.
The wife is furious that Sonia has been doing this, and calls her to ask why on Earth she has been doing this every evening.
Sonia replies “Well, the whisky is to help him sleep”
“And the Viagra?”
“That stops him falling out of bed!”

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